If you are looking for a bargain in real estate, you have to keep your eyes open, check your email for updates at least once a day (you are receiving daily updates of new listings, aren't you?), and move quickly when you see the right property.
The property to the left has a 1 bedroom condominium that just came on the market today at $129,900, well below the city assessed value of $271,000. I took a walk through it, and through it needs a little bit of work (new carpets, paint)
Located on Lynde Street in downtown Salem, it is a few minute walk to the commuter rail station, and to some of the best restaurants on the north shore. I bet it won't last more than a couple of days on the market.
Many of the bank owned properties aren't bargains because the bank is owed more money than the property is worth. Most of the properties that were foreclosed on recently were purchased with 100% financing, and the real estate market has seen some lowering of values over the last year. The market seems to be pretty stable right now, and by most accounts will be flat for the next year or so.